This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

How you gonna keep a musical prodigy down in Orem after she's played Carnegie Hall?

Aubree Oliverson performed at the famed New York City concert hall on March 6 and has already traveled all over the country to perform violin concerts. Yet it's relatively easier to keep her in Orem for the time being. After all, she's only 12.

While she works on getting through seventh grade, Aubree and her father, pianist Steve Oliverson, will perform as the Moon Light Duo on Friday, March 25, at Sandy's Waterford Concert Hall as part of the Excellence in the Community Concert Series, the locals-only showcase.

Aubree is "Mozartesque," says Jeff Whiteley, a local musician in the group Lark & Spur who heads the Excellence in the Community nonprofit. "We are enthused about Aubree's accomplishments and hope for a good event," he said.

Her father, Steve, moonlights by day as the principal of Provo's Provost Elementary School. He marvels at his daughter's musical aptitude and hobby of composing pieces for the two to play. "I see hundreds of kids a day, trying to get them to read for 20 minutes," he said. But he has no problems getting Aubree to practice, which she willingly does for up for five hours daily.

"I hate to brag about my kid," Oliverson said. "But there's no one else like Aubree."

The music world has already taken notice of Aubree's talents. This year, she won first prize in the American Protégé International Strings competition, with one of the prizes being a Carnegie Hall performance. (Incidentally, it's essentially the junior version of 2010 American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music, which Utah pianist Josh Wright won in 2010, leading to his Carnegie Hall performance last fall. He also performed an Excellence in the Community concert this season.)

Aubree, a fan of the movie "Princess Bride," isn't one of those music-only prodigies. She also earns high marks at South Lindon's Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy and holds three Utah County swimming records for her age group in the breaststroke, freestyle and butterfly.

But the violin is her premier achievement. "I just had a natural ability," Aubree said.

Besides her technical skills, Aubree has written songs since she was 5. She has more recently begun composing for violin, piano and cello and string trios.

The Oliversons' musical duo has begun including more of Aubree's original compositions on concert lineups. When music fans comment, Oliverson is proud to reveal that his young daughter was the composer.

With requests coming from all over the country, this might prove a rare opportunity to hear the young musician in a local setting. Because, before you know it, the girl from Orem might be onstage at Carnegie Hall far more often.

All in the family

P The Moon Light Duo performs. Opening is the TLC Trio, which features Tessa Young on piano and Lauren and Connor Madsen on violin.

When • Tonight at 7:30

Where • Waterford Concert Hall, 9550 S. 1700 East, Sandy

Info • Tickets $15 (discounts for seniors, students, military and families), available at, 801-718-3862, or at the door