This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
LDS Church leaders to Republican delegates: What part of "we support the guest-worker bill" do you not understand?
Actually, the LDS Church has not responded to the immigration-reform issue with that kind of in-your-face demeanor.
That's just me.
But the church has made available to anyone who wants to know its position on the issue. Go to and search for "immigration" or "Utah Compact." The church supports the compact, which calls for compassion in dealing with undocumented immigrants and their families. It also supports the package of bills passed by the Utah Legislature and signed by Gov. Gary Herbert, including establishing a guest-worker program.
According to the church's official statement, its position is based on three basic principles: the commandment to "Love thy neighbor," the importance of keeping families intact and the federal government's obligation to secure its borders.
But delegates at the Salt Lake County Republican Convention, who overwhelmingly are members of Utah's predominant faith, voted for a resolution rejecting the legislation allowing for a guest-worker program and asking for it be overturned.
There also is a movement in Republican circles in Salt Lake and Utah counties to "throw out the bums" who voted for the bills.
Many who are pushing this agenda have expressed disbelief when told the church is in favor of such reform, despite the fact the church has repeatedly affirmed its support.
Rep. Greg Hughes, R-Draper, expressed that frustration as a church member. He said on K-TALK's "Red Meat Radio" program Saturday that he was amazed at how many Republican delegates refused to accept the fact that the church favors a kinder and gentler approach to immigration reform.
Republican infighting • The Salt Lake County Republican Party hopes to win back the county mayor's seat and reverse the Democrats' majority of legislators representing the county.
But when it elected its new party leaders Saturday to take on that quest, it didn't seem to get off to a great start.
Shortly after Julie Dole won the delegate support to become the new county party chairwoman, Rick Votaw, whom Dole defeated and who had been the county vice chairman the past several years, wrote this on his Facebook page:
"Lost the race to easily the most dishonest, unethical person the party has seen in over a decade."
Since Dole had been the party's paid political director while Votaw was vice chairman, it seems that someone hasn't been playing well in the sandbox.
Votaw says his Facebook post was a knee-jerk reaction to his loss, and he took it down after his better judgment kicked in.
But Dole had earlier sent an email to her supporters complaining that state GOP Chairman Thomas Wright, who had been the Salt Lake County chairman, was undermining her campaign by recruiting others for the job.
Salt Lake County Democrats might want to just sit back and let nature take its course.
Not counting on Obama • A group has started a campaign on Facebook called "Presidential Pardon for Tim DeChistopher," the environmental activist convicted in federal court for disrupting an oil and gas lease auction by using phony bids.
The group is seeking signatures to send to President Barack Obama in hopes of getting a pardon for DeChristopher, who is awaiting sentencing from U.S. District Judge Lee Benson.
But DeChristopher doesn't seem that impressed.
When The Salt Lake Tribune sought a response from DeChristopher, he wrote that he has no idea who is behind the petitions, adding that they likely serve as a "pacifier" for people who believe the prosecution was unjust. But, he added, "I can't imagine there are many people left who actually still believe that Obama is going to solve our problems."