This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Mayor Ralph Becker and police Chief Chris Burbank on Thursday unveiled a unique way to make donations to Salt Lake City's homeless as part of a new outreach program.

Community advocate Pamela Atkinson and Zions Bank CEO Scott Anderson joined Becker and Burbank in announcing the Homeless Outreach Service Team (HOST) program and introducing the public to a new donation meter system throughout downtown, sponsored by the Downtown Alliance and participating businesses.

The meters — refurbished, brightly colored parking meters placed on downtown sidewalks — will give pedestrians an alternative way to make donations to the help the homeless without handing cash to panhandlers, city officials say.

Collections will go to the Pamela J. Atkinson Foundation for disbursement to service providers for the homeless. Tax deductible contributions to the HOST program can also be made at any Zions Bank branch.

Under the HOST program, police officers responding to calls such as aggressive panhandling or disorderly conduct can use a reference card containing homeless-services provider information to directly match individuals with the appropriate help in one phone call.