This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge has reopened its popular Auto Tour Loop, which had earlier been closed due to flooding and water-related damage.

Also reopened was the refuge's Wildlife Education Center, about 2 miles west of Interstate 15 at 2155 W. Forest St. in Brigham City, spokeswoman Kathi Stopher said Wednesday.

"With dropping water levels, visitor travel is considered safe. However, caution is always advised when traveling Refuge roads," she said. "Road conditions will continue to be monitored for visitor safety."

Rain, snow and rising levels in the Bear River had forced closures on March 27.

Continuing updates can be obtained by calling the refuge at 435-723-5887 or visiting its Facebook site.

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