This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Corrections department bus carrying prisoners on the way to court crashes into a tanker and hundreds are exposed to hazardous chemicals.

Thankfully, it is only a drill.

The scenario, created by the Veteran's Administration emergency management joint training center, was played out Wednesday with help from nearly 200 fake patients — including off-duty police officers, students and medical professionals from 12 area hospitals.

Jim Stritikus, emergency management coordinator for the VA Medical Center, said the VA is in the process of setting up four regional training centers nationwide, including Utah.

"We are the first one to be set up," Stritikus said.

As soon as the fake accident is reported, the VA's new mobile command center goes into action and begins drawing on resources from around the valley.

At the scene, patients and prisoners are decontaminated and triaged before entering a medical tent for treatment.

"During a disaster the VA Medical Center is one of the leaders in that area to receive patients, whether they are from the Department of Defense, VA veterans, or civilians," Stritikus said.

Cimaron Neugebauer —


O See a video of the event. > w_cjyXvO9lA