This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
There will be a "Healing at the Speed of Sound" workshop at Weber State University (Shepherd Union Bldg) in Thursday, June 2 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. The cost is $95.
Authors Don Campbell and Alex Doman will present a day of practical, clinical and creative updates on sound, music and silence based on their new book, Healing At The Speed of Sound.
From the press release:
In this workshop, you will learn:The amazing history of Listening Therapies and their practical applications in education and healthcare.New trends in brain research that help us understand how the brain processes auditory stimulation.How to combine music you love with a variety of classical and popular styles to create your own personal soundtrack for each day.Engage your voice, mind and body in this unforgettable day of sound nutrition and creativity. Don Campbell is a leading lecturer and consultant to healthcare organizations as well as corporations and parenting groups, and has served for the past ten years on the Board of the American Music Research Center at the University of Colorado. Alex Doman is an author and producer whose products are used by people in more than 35 countries, and is founder and CEO of Advanced Brain Technologies, a leading provider of products, which improve brain function with solutions for consumers, schools, therapy clinics, health care facilities, and the military. He is also the creator and co-producer of the award-winning "Music for Babie" music collection.