This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Small businesses remain hot commodities, with first-quarter sales of companies reaching the highest point recorded by
The internet marketplace tallied the number of transactions reported by business brokers nationwide. counted 2,368 closed transactions, up nearly 29 percent from 1,840 in the first quarter of 2016. The improving economy is encouraging current owners to put their companies on the market and spurring buyers to look for businesses, says.
Companies that are being sold are healthier than a year ago, with an average $518,159 in annual revenue, up more than 8 percent from $478,000 a year earlier. And sellers are getting better prices; the median sale price was $237,000, up nearly 8 percent from $220,000.
National Small Business Week this year will be May 1-5, with events generally aimed at educating as well as honoring small business owners.
The Small Business Administration's National Small Business Person of the Year will be among the honors announced at a luncheon in Washington, D.C., on May 1. SBA head Linda McMahon will hold a live chat on Facebook on May 2 about how to start and expand a business.
McMahon will meet with small business owners May 3 in Indianapolis, May 4 in Arlington, Texas and May 5 in Fresno, Calif.
You can learn more about the events, including how to watch them online at .
Local small business week and month observances will also be held in many parts of the country, although they may take place at other times during May. Search online to see what events are in your state, city or town.
Millions of small businesses have Facebook pages to market themselves; some even use Facebook pages instead of creating their own websites. You can learn how to create a business Facebook page at an online seminar sponsored by SCORE, the organization that gives free counseling to small businesses.
Learn more and register at .