This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A 12-year-old Boy Scout from South Salt Lake was fatally injured and another hospitalized by a Wednesday lightning strike in Carbon County.
The bolt of lightning struck at the Scofield Scout Camp near the Scofield Reservoir at 10:50 a.m., said Carbon County Sheriff James Cordova.
The troop was on a knoll when a storm came in quickly, Cordova said. Scout leaders were taking the boys to shelter when a bolt of lightning struck the pair, who were at the back of the troop line, he said. Both boys are from South Salt Lake, Cordova said.
One of the boys passed away en route by helicopter to Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City, said Vic Rowberry, a spokesman for the Salt Lake office of the Boy Scouts of America. The second Scout was in fair condition at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo.
Rowberry said he understood the victim had been directly struck by lightning, while the second Scout was nearby, being stunned and sustaining "slight burns."
Cordova said the area has been pounded by southern monsoon weather for the past week and a half, but Wednesday's storm was an unusual one.
"This storm really encompassed the area quickly," Cordova said. "Obviously we get storms up in that area, but its been awhile since we had a storm like was extreme by all levels."
Scofield Reservoir is located approximately 120 miles southeast of Salt Lake City.
Elizabeth Neff contributed to this report