This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A 50-year-old South Jordan man was booked into jail Friday on suspicion of driving drunk after he was involved in a Thursday night multiple-injury crash in Big Cottonwood Canyon.

Unified Police Lt. Justin Hoyal said the man faced two class A misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence resulting in substantial bodily injury. He was being held on a $4,000 bond.

Hoyal said the suspect was injured in the crash. He was arrested and taken to the Salt Lake County Jail after being treated at and released from St. Mark's Hospital.

The suspect allegedly was speeding down the canyon when he crossed into the oncoming traffic, hitting a Ford Expedition carrying a man and his wife in their 60s.

The woman suffered minor injuries, but her husband was admitted to Intermountain Medical Center, where he was in fair condition Friday, Hoyal said.

Bob Mims