This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A former Provo High School custodian will have to spend the next 30 days with an ankle monitor and undergo sex-offender treatment for trying to take videos of students in a girls' locker room.
Darren John Haymond, 23, was arrested in February after a student found a cell phone planted in a locker room restroom stall, officials said.
Haymond placed the phone in a garbage can and attempted to conceal it with trash, according to the Provo Police Department. The phone recorded two students in the restroom stall before it was spotted, police said.
Later that afternoon, Haymond went to school officials to report that his phone had been lost or stolen, police said.
Haymond pleaded guilty last month to voyeurism, a class A misdemeanor. As part of Haymond's sentencing, 4th District Judge Derek Pullan said Haymond would avoid spending 60 days in jail if he completes treatment and pays a $750 fine.