This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
This weekend, Utah has plenty of free and low-cost events for the whole family:
Handcart Days: This annual celebration in Bountiful runs Friday, July 22 and Saturday, July 23. It includes a parade, activities and entertainment. Go HERE for more information.
Pioneer Days: Ogden's celebration runs through the weekend, ending Monday with a parade, rodeo and fireworks. Go HERE for details.
Days of '47 Parade: This annual event, which begins at 9 a.m. Monday July 25, is one of the largest in the West. Go early to secure a spot along the parade route, which begins at South Temple and State Street. Go HERE for more information about the parade and a map of the parade route.
Days of 47 Rodeo: The rodeo, which runs through July 25 (not including Sunday, July 24) has a limited supply of $5 tickets available. Go HERE for more information.
Free admission: Get in free to Red Butte Garden in Salt Lake City on Sunday, July 24. Details of this offer are HERE. The Ogden Nature Center is offering free admission on Saturday, July 23. Go HERE for more information about the center and for directions.
Family festival: The annual Butlerville Days celebration in Cottonwood Heights is Monday, July 25. Children's activities, food, art exhibits, a car show, contests and more are planned throughout the day in Butler Park, with fireworks in the evening. Go HERE for more information.
Native American Celebration: This annual event in Salt Lake City is Monday, July 25 at Liberty Park, 1100 S. 600 East. Admission is free; numerous no-cost events and activities are offered. Tickets to the Pow Wow are $5, with those under 6 years of age and over 65 attending for free. Fireworks are scheduled. Go HERE for details.
Free movie: Footloose will be shown Friday, July 22 at Big Cottonwood Park. Go HERE for more information.
Free music: Live music is being offered outdoors this weekend in Salt Lake City, South Jordan, Park City and Little Cottonwood Canyon. Go HERE for a list of all upcoming performances.