This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
If you plan to visit or drive into downtown Salt Lake City for Monday's Days of '47 Parade, you need to be aware of road closures and other restrictions.
Salt Lake City police say the closures and restrictions will be in effect by 5 a.m. and will run through noon, when the parade is expected to conclude. During that time, police urge motorists to avoid downtown and plan alternate routes. (See map below).
The parade's route begins at South Temple and State Street and ends at the north entrance to Liberty Park (900 South and 600 East).
Police also are warning parade watchers to be aware of the following regulations:
• Reserving space along the parade route is prohibited before 8 p.m. Sunday.
• Parking along the parade route is prohibited after 8 p.m. Sunday. Vehicles will be towed.
• No dogs are allowed along the parade route after 8 p.m. Sunday, whether on- or off-leash, other than service animals.
Police officers will begin patrolling the parade route on Sunday morning, distributing flyers about the rules and regulations along the route. Officers will continue to monitor activity along the parade route through noon Monday.
Bob Mims