This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Logan • Former Utah State basketball star Tai Wesley, the 2011 Western Athletic Conference Player of the Year, has spent the bulk of his summer training in preparation for a professional career that will begin with the Eiffel Towers team in Holland.

"They needed a big guy inside," said Wesley. "They're a pretty good team that finished third. They just didn't have an inside presence, so that's why they acquired me."

Since the season ended, Wesley moved to Las Vegas for 10 weeks for a stint with Impact Training that included a number of high profile stars including Jacob Pullen of Kansas State, Kawhi Leonard of San Diego State and Alec Burks of Colorodo.

"I saw a lot of results in my body as well as my test results," he said. "I increased my vertical quite a bit, my body fat percentage went down; I felt like I was in the best shape of my life when I was out there. I didn't really like Las Vegas the city, but as far as training it was great for me and I really enjoyed my time out there."

Wesley won a championship all four years he played for the Aggies. He said his biggest regret was not winning, especially in the NCAA tournament.

He has received advice from a number of former Aggies who have played overseas.

"I've talked to all of those guys," he said. "Jaycee [Carroll], Gary [Wilkinson] and Spencer [Nelson] are all such good guys, and they've given me such good advice that I'm really thankful to have them in front of me and in my corner. Gary told me not to expect to go out and dominate, just to go out and play my game, work hard and good things will come my way. I worked out with Gary and Spencer, and they kind of helped me with some of the different rules. Traveling is a little different, and they said that I'd probably get called for a couple things that I do that aren't travels here but are travels over there. I talked to Jaycee, and he was kind of helping me out and telling me things like how I need to keep myself entertained while I'm by myself over there and so I have good guys in my corner that I'm really thankful for, especially those guys who have gone before me."

Wesley will ignore one bit of advice Aggie coach Stew Morrill told him.

"I remember the thing coach Morrill told me, that I guess I'm not taking his advice, but he told me to take a girl over there with me and to be married before I go over there, and I guess I'm not doing that,:" said Wesley. "I think I'll have a nice meeting with coach Morrill before I leave, and he'll tell me some more things, but he's another one that's been in my corner this whole time. I've had a long conversation with him, and I'm sure there will be another one before I take off."