This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A Utah County woman has sued her former employer, claiming she was sexually harassed at work, where she at one point received a suggestive Monday-through-Friday "schedule" outlining what she should wear.
The schedule given to 44-year-old Trudy Nycole Anderson included "Mini-skirt Monday," "Tube-top Tuesday," "Wet T-shirt Wednesday," "No bra Thursday" and "Bikini top Friday," according to a civil complaint filed this week in U.S. District Court against Derek Wright, the owner of Pleasant Grove-based Lone Peak Controls and D& L Electric Control Company.
Anderson worked as an office manager starting in September 2007, and Wright was her supervisor.
During her employment, Wright "repeatedly asked Ms. Anderson about her breast size and talked about her breasts in front of other employees," the complaint states. He also allegedly asked the woman to show him her breasts and inquired about whether she shaved her pubic area, according to the complaint.
Wright allegedly slapped Anderson on her buttocks at least twice and asked the woman for oral sex on several occasions, the complaint states.
When she told her boss she needed to take time away from the office for a medical appointment, Wright allegedly told Anderson that he would "give her a mammogram for free," according to the complaint.
Wright also allegedly told Anderson he was installing a shower in the office so the two could shower together and offered her a recipe for "sex cake," the complaint states.
In addition, Wright purchased a product that he sprayed around the office, saying it was "meant to arouse women."
Anderson said Wright viewed pornography in the office and in 2007 brought her a document stating that she would agree to allow him to sexually harass her, according to the complaint. If Anderson didn't sign the document, Wright told her she would lose her job, the complaint states.
The lawsuit claims Wright knew Anderson was a single mother of three and was an easy target because she wasn't in a position to quit her job.
Anderson is suing under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, claiming she reported the sexual harassment and Wright retaliated by firing her in February 2011. She is also suing for battery, in connection with the incident where Wright allegedly slapped her; negligent infliction of emotional distress; and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The lawsuit asks for an undisclosed amount of damages.
"Ms. Anderson has lost wages" since the firing, her lawsuit states. "As a result of the stress and emotional trauma of this experience, Ms. Anderson has been losing sleep, seeking professional help and has ulcers."
"Wright's outrageous conduct described in this complaint offends generally accepted standards of decency and morality in this community," the complaint states.
Wright could not immediately be reached for comment on Friday. A receptionist who answered the phone at the business said the company will not be commenting on the lawsuit.
The case has been assigned to U.S. Magistrate Samuel Alba.
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