This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Indianapolis • Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb has signed a bill into law that will sharply curtail the benefit available to those who install solar panels.

Tuesday was the last day the Republican could veto or sign the bill, which critics contend is part of a broader nationwide push by utilities to seize control of the emerging solar market.

Holcomb says he understands those concerns, but signed the bill because the benefit will be phased out slowly.

Indiana's investor-owned utility companies lobbied for the measure during the legislative session. They say solar panel owners who feed excess power to the grid are compensated too generously, a rate that will be drastically lowered under the measure.

Critics say Indiana's approach is too Draconian and will muscle out smaller companies, like solar panel installers.