This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The state's top basketball recruit has committed to the University of Utah.
Jordan Loveridge, the 6-foot-7 forward who shot up national rating charts after a dazzling showing in the Adidas Super 64 last month in Las Vegas, will join the Utes in 2012 after playing his senior year at West Jordan High School.
"I have a great relationship with every single coach," Loveridge said. "I just want to be a part of the rebuilding we're going to get the program back to where it was and we're going to do it in the Pac-12 one of the biggest conferences."
Krystkowiak made Loveridge his top priority after replacing Jim Boylen in early April. Loveridge is rated as the state's top-rated prospect for 2012. Last week, Loveridge narrowed his choices to Weber State, BYU, Arizona and Utah. Loveridge said he made the decision to commit to Utah two weeks ago, but waited until today to announce so he could tell BYU's coaches once the Cougars returned from their tour of Greece.
Given his rising national profile, Loveridge was likely to garner more significant offers, but decided against waiting.
"I think I probably would have got more but I just knew Utah was the one for me," he said.
Bill Oram