This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Name • Alec Anderson

Age • 17

City • Lehi

Council • Utah National Parks

Troop • 1042

Rank achieved • Aug. 21

Eagle project • Alec gathered donations of fabric and sewing notions from various sources. He organized groups of people from his neighborhood to make hand-tied quilts, which were donated to the LDS Church's Humanitarian Services to be sent to children and families in need.

To have an Eagle Scout recognized, send the following information:

The scout's name, age, city, troop, council, and date the rank was awarded. Include a short description of his Eagle Scout project. The information will be published online at and possibly in print. Email the information and a photo of the Scout, in jpeg format, minimum 200 dots per inch resolution, to Write "Eagle Scout" in the subject line.