This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Doctors said it would be a slow, painful process, but that Brandon Wright would make a full recovery from injuries suffered in a fiery motorcycle crash in Logan on Sept. 12.
On Thursday, Sept. 15, Wright, 21, was wheeled IV drip in tow to a conference room at Murray's Intermountain Medical Center to speak to the media about the experience. His hospital gown didn't quite cover the road rash along his right arm, and his right leg was stretched out in a full cast. He has only been out of the Intensive Care Unit for a day.
Despite the broken leg, a shattered pelvis, bruised lungs and burned skin, Wright is already well on his way to recovery, his doctors said. And he was ready to thank those people who saved his life by lifting the car that had him pinned.
"I want to thank all the heroes who put their lives on the line to save mine," Wright said. "I'm forever in debt."
Wright was on his way to the Utah State University computer lab, less than five miles from his Logan home, when a BMW pulled in front of him, forcing him to lay down his bike. He ended up trapped beneath the car as both the car and his motorcycle began burning.
"I should have died several times," Wright said. "I should have died when I hit the car. I should have died when it burst into flames. I didn't for some reason."
Instead, dozens rushed to his aid. Police said he would have died if it weren't for a group of bystanders who lifted the car and pulled him out.
Wright said he could only remember bits and pieces from the crash. He recalls sliding his bike, being trapped under the car, thinking he was going to die, coughing blood and screaming for help. The scariest moment, he said, was after he was pulled to safety and a bystander was trying to keep him awake.
"I couldn't move," Wright said. "I thought I was paralyzed."
Video of the entire rescue has spiked interest in Wright's story on a worldwide scale.
Wright wasn't wearing a helmet at the time of the crash but avoided head injuries. Though he plans on buying another motorcycle as soon as he can, he added that will also buy the best helmet he can find.
Police said Thursday their investigation of the crash is continuing.