This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Washington state judge has barred Susan Powell's husband from publishing her teenage diary entries, at least for now.Judge Vicki Hogan granted Susan Powell's parents' request for a preliminary injunction in a hearing that coincidentally fell the day after her father-in-law, Steve Powell, was arrested on suspicion of possessing child pornography.

Josh Powell's attorney said the entries would support the idea that the West Valley City woman - missing since December 2009 - may have committed suicide.

"Josh Powell fears ... that his wife has committed suicide," said attorney James Lobsenz.

It's a new theory from her husband, the only person of interest named in her disappearance. Josh and Steve Powell have previously said Susan Powell may have left of her choice, possibly with another man.

The Powell planned to publish the journal entries on the website they operate, They had also given out copies of the entries to several reporters. Hogan said Friday that the Coxes attorneys would be responsible for calling reporters about those copies.

"This is one of those times when privacy outweighs free speech," said Evan Bariault, an attorney for Chuck and Judy Cox, Susan Powell's parents.

Hogan also set a bond of $5,000 - an amount the Coxes may not be able to pay, their pro-bono attorneys said. Hogan may reconsider the bond, and asked for attorneys to get back to her on the issue by Oct. 10. She scheduled an optional hearing for that day.

No additional hearings on whether to make the injunction permanent were immediately set.