This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Carson, Calif. In an interesting aside to Saturday's 2-1 victory by the L.A. Galaxy, as the game wound down, Real Salt Lake coach Jason Kreis was involved in a heated back-and-forth discussion with David Beckham.Apparently Beckham, known to be a bit of, for a nice term, a temperamental lad, was upset that Kreis had yelled at referee Kevin Stott, who issued six yellow cards.RSL had been hit with four cautions."Apparently [Beckham] thinks he's the only one who can yell at referees," Kreis said. "He wanted to continue [the discussion] after the game."Kreis would have none of it, calling Beckham disrespectful. Kreis said he never talks to players and, as a player, never talked to coaches.