This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

After losing its case in federal court, a Utah religious group is now asking a state court judge to allow a monument in a Pleasant Grove city park.

Summum, a Gnostic Christianity-based sect, wants to erect its own display near an existing Ten Commandments monument.

The group's attorney, Brian Barnard, argues if the state allows a Ten Commandments display, it should also allow the Summum monument. He says Utah's constitution prohibits government support of religious instruction.

In 2010, a federal judge dismissed a similar case from the group. The U.S. Supreme Court also previously ruled against the sect.

The Washington D.C.-based American Center for Law and Justice, which represents the city, says governments can decide which monuments to allow. They are currently responding to the complaint filed earlier this year.