This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A GOP lawmaker challenges Herbert. Winder wrote articles under a fake name. Wimmer discloses his modest financials.

Happy Friday and happy Veterans Day and happy 11/11/11. On top of it all, Gov. Gary Herbert will try to raise big bucks for his reelection during his annual Governor's Gala, and he'll do so knowing that he now has a Republican challenger from within the state Legislature. [Trib] [DNews] [Herald]

Topping the news: Get a glimpse into Rep. Carl Wimmer's personal finances, which indicate if he wins election to Congress, he can count on a big raise. [Trib]

-> The Interior Department ignored the objections of Utah politicians in proposing three new wilderness areas in Grand County. [Trib] [DNews]

-> West Valley Mayor Mike Winder acknowledges creating a fake persona to spread "good news" about his city in the Deseret News, KSL and the Oquirrh Times. He even got one photo into the Trib. His pen name: Richard Burwash. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweets of the day: From @RobertGehrke: "Here's the link to the story about Wimmer's finances: Other congressional candidates will have to file later."

From @mwbowler: "@RobertGehrke You forgot to mention what toilet paper he uses."

From @RobertGehrke: "The Tribune, of course!"

Happy birthday: to state Sen. Ross Romero, a candidate for Salt Lake County mayor.

In other news: Violence breaks out in the Occupy Salt Lake encampment at Pioneer Park and four are arrested. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Taylorsville is developing a monument to veterans. [Trib]

-> Rolly has a Veterans Day column about a volunteer who plays Taps at the funerals of hundreds of servicemen and women. [Trib]

-> Here's a list of Veterans Day events around the state. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Bagley imagines a hybrid GOP candidate. [Trib]

-> Bonnie Stephens, longtime director of the Utah Arts Council, community activist and sister to former Congressman Jim Hansen passes away at age 80. [Trib]

-> Bernick looks at Utah's nominating system, asking if it caters to extremes [UtahPolicy] and determining that it hasn't hurt many incumbents. [UtahPolicy] He also talks about it with Bryan Schott on their weekly vodcast. [UtahPolicy]

-> The Transportation Commission commits $3 million to begin fixing State Road 14 east of Cedar City — but it's only the first installment of what likely will cost $12 million. [Trib]

-> A colleague of immigration firebrand and ousted Arizona President Russell Pearce is pushing to have the state reimburse his campaign costs. [Trib] And some say the Utah Compact helped lead to Pearce's ouster. [DNews]

-> A fight between Utah hotels and online booking sites schedules a bout at the Utah Legislature. [Trib]

-> The Chrony staff responds sarcastically to AG Mark Shurtleff's bid to be the next U. president. [Chrony]

-> A Senate committee approved a plan to eliminate the Defense of Marriage Act, over the objections of Utah Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee. [CNN]

2012 watch: A new poll shows President Barack Obama and leading GOP challenger Mitt Romney running neck-to-neck in swing states. [CBSNews]

-> But despite the polls, a New Hampshire columnist says Romney is having a hard time connecting with voters. [WBUR]

-> Rick Perry gives his top 10 excuses for his debate blunder. [TheHill]

-> Conservatives are having a hard time not weighing in on Romney, since they think he is the inevitable choice. [Bloomberg]

-> If elected, Romney would cut federal cultural agencies in half. [LATimes]

-> Romney made a series of policy shifts in 2005. [WSJ]$

-> Blogger Ezra Klein notes that most GOP candidates have at least had a moment in the sun. Jon Huntsman isn't one of them. [WaPost]

Where are they?

Sen. Orrin Hatch will appear at the Veterans Day event at the Capitol and later attend the Governor's Gala.

Sen. Mike Lee will give a speech to the Federalist Society.

Rep. Jim Matheson will visit Clayton Middle School for a Veterans Day event with two Utah National Guard members.

Rep. Rob Bishop did not release a public schedule.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz holds meetings in Blanding and Moab

Gov. Gary Herbert will honor a group of Japanese-Americans on Utah who recently received the congressional medal of honor for their service in World War II at the Capitol and then travels to Taylorsville for the Veterans memorial unveiling. He ends the day with his major annual fundraiser, the Governor's Gala.

AG Mark Shurtleff speaks at a veterans assembly at Mountain Crest High School.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker is in the second of a three day National League of Cities gathering in Arizona.

S.L. County Mayor Peter Corroon delivers opening remarks to the SLCC Philosophy Conference.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder attends the Taylorsville veterans event and the Governor's Gala.

President Barack Obama has breakfast with a group of veterans, participates in a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery and then travels to San Diego where he will watch the Carrier Classic college basketball game on the USS Carl Vinson.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at

— Matt Canham with editor Dan Harrie