This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

With nearly 1,300 students, it's the largest program of its kind in the state.

And now, it's at the Sorenson Unity Center, offering a skill students will need to land job, buy groceries or even order pizza.

The Horizonte Instruction and Training Center has extended its adult English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to the Sorenson Unity Center in Glendale. Although classes are small — the Unity Center now has 11 students — officials hope to increase enrollment.

"Having ESL classes at the Unity Center makes it more assessable for the community," said David Chavez, assistant principal at Horizonte. "Adults who are already familiar with the Unity Center are more comfortable in going to an ESL class in there."

The new classes are held in eight-week sessions, Mondays through Thursdays. Lessons run from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The course focuses on survival skills for nonnative English speakers, with classes catering to beginners and intermediate speakers.

"The topics are of situations where you would need to know English," ESL instructor Davis Pizarro said, using shopping, interacting with the public and going to a job interview as examples.

The Unity Center class ties into a much broader ESL program by Horizonte. Horizonte offers adult classes at its main campus, 1234 Main St., Salt Lake City, as well as 15 off-site locations including Alliance House, Odyssey House and Adult Probation and Parole. Its combined enrollment: 1,295 students.

"Horizonte offers a continuum of services and has the largest ESL program in the state," Horizonte principal Mindi Holmdahl said.

The cost of a single eight-week ESL session is $20. Students can register at any time. Registrants must bring a Utah driver license or a utility bill to verify their address when signing up.

As for parents with children? Day care is available for children, 8 and younger, during the 9 a.m. session. The cost is $2 a day with $15 punch card.

"The ESL program has been very well received," said Nichol Bourdeaux, director of the Sorenson Unity Center. "The original intent for the Unity Center was for education."

About the program

The English as a Second Language classes are scheduled Monday to Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sorenson Unity Center, 1383 S. 900 West, Salt Lake City.