This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
A Kearns father has pleaded no contest to harming his 7-month-old twins by handling them too roughly and will be deported as part of his sentence.
Antoneus Deslegte, 24, entered the pleas this week in 3rd District Court to two class A misdemeanor counts of child abuse. According to court documents, Deslegte picked up the children by one arm and was "generally rougher in his handling of the children than was appropriate for their ages," court documents state.
Deslegte originally faced five second-degree felony counts of child abuse after his daughter was admitted to Primary Children's Medical Center in June with a broken leg. Doctors also examined the girl's twin brother and found he had an older, healing skull fracture, police said.
Salt Lake County prosecutor Rob Parrish said the plea deal came about because of "issues that we weren't aware of when we first charged him," but said he could not elaborate because the issues involved a juvenile court proceeding.
Judge Robin Reese sentenced Deslegte to 18 months probation and ordered him released to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials. Salt Lake County prosecutor Rob Parrish said Deslegte could be deported back to Holland as early as next week.
Aaron Falk