This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Taylorsville • It was a plan executed to perfection with tons of confection thrown in every direction.

Eisenhower Junior High has made a habit of setting obscure world records, but the students' latest achievement was by far the sweetest.


More than 470 students combined to toss more than 140,000 marshmallows in the world's largest marshmallow fight.

They sent 2,000 pounds of spongy, sugary goodness airborne as two teams squared off about 10 yards apart, raining marshmallows down on the opposing team.

Their efforts squished the previous mark on record — a mere 600 pounds, set in July at the annual Ocean Beach Marshmallow Fight in California.

"We wanted to find something that would include the entire school," said Jayde Allison, one of the journalism students who devised the plan and organized the event. "It promoted creativity, built teamwork and realized dreams. But most of all it was a lot of fun."

The school's history of record-setting dates to 1987, when students baked the largest pan loaf of bread. More recent records include the tallest tower of pencils (2006), the largest Post-it note mosaic (2009) and the largest human mattress dominoes (last year).

Ninth-grader Dane Cowan participated in the event each of the past two years and said this year's record-setting feat was the best.

"It was awesome, seeing a couple of hundred marshmallows flying through the air and coming at you," Cowan said. "I got hit in the head a couple of times, and in the eye, but I'm good."

Taylorsville Mayor Russ Wall fired the first marshmallow, kicking off a 10-minute frenzy. Students, armed with paper grocery bags filled with marshmallows, broke into two teams in the grass behind the gym and created a marshmallow-size hailstorm.

When it was over, the 473 participants had heaved 140,280 marshmallows. Gym teacher Denise Fiack and her "Fiack-anators" were declared the winners.

"Our strategy was to grab big handfuls and throw as much as we could and don't quit," said Fiack, who dropped to the ground and made a snow angel in the marshmallowy mess. "A lot of kids stopped when their bags were empty, but we yelled, 'Pick them up.' So then we started picking them up and throwing them."

The event nearly had one casualty, as organizer Clayton Brough announced shortly after the last marshmallow had landed that a wedding ring had come off in the melee. It was found in the middle of the battle zone after a 10-minute search during cleanup.

Brough said the students donated $2 each, half for the marshmallows they bought through Fresh Market and the other half for a donation to the Utah Food Bank and American Red Cross.

"People ask if we are wasting food to raise money for food," Brough said. "I don't consider marshmallows food. I consider it confectionary, sugar."

The event was videotaped for documentation. Proof of the record was expected to be sent to The Book of Alternative Records in Germany, as well as Guinness World Records in England and other record-setting organizations.

You might call it a confection inspection for worldwide attention. —

On a sugar high

Eisenhower Junior High in Taylorsville set a world record for the largest marshmallow fight.

A total of 473 participants launched 140,280 marshmallows, totaling 2,000 pounds, during a 10-minute battle.

The previous record was 600 pounds of marshmallows.