This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Tony Caputo, founder of Salt Lake City Caputo's Market and Deli, was given the Lifetime Achievement award while Zane Holmquist, of Park City's Stein Eriksen Lodge, was named Chef of the Year, during the Utah Restaurant Association's 2017 industry awards.
Caputo, who quietly retired in 2015, helped launch Salt Lake City's artisan food culture, opening his market and deli near Pioneer Park in 1997. Today, the specialty shop is known for its quality selection of artisan meats and cheeses, premium chocolates, and imported oils and vinegars.
Holmquist leads the food and beverage team at Stein Eriksen Lodge, overseeing menu development, kitchen operations and special events. His work has been showcased at the James Beard House in New York City and he has appeared several times on NBC's "Today" Show.
The URA handed more than three dozen professional awards and student trophies during ceremonies last week at the Grand America Hotel. Among the top honorees:
Restaurateur of the Year • Glen Overton, owner of Zion Hospitality.
Hall of Fame Award • Bill White, owner/founder Bill White Restaurant Group in Park City.
Employee of the Year • Faith Scheffler, sales and event manager, Log Haven.
Back of the House • Amber Billingsly, pastry chef at Amour Cafe, Salt Lake City.
Bartender of the Year • Staff at Copper Kitchen, Salt Lake City.
Restaurant Neighbor Award • Even Stevens.
Chairman's Award • Hans Fuegi, chef/owner of Grub Steak, Park City; and Herb Pumphrey, owner of Integrity Food Group, Lehi.
President's Awards • Sen. Jerry Stevenson, R-Layton; and Rep. Brad Wilson, R-Kaysville.
New Concept Quick Serve • Cupbob.
New Concept Fast Casual • Cubby's.
New Concept Casual dining • Pizza Nono.
New Concept Fine Dining • Veneto.