This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Payson • The Planning Commission Wednesday night approved plans submitted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for its Payson Temple.

The Commission unanimously recommended approval of a conditional-use permit for the 96,000-square-foot structure, as well as the temple's site plan and an adjustment of a boundary between two tracts in connection with the temple construction. It also recommended allowing the church to defer installing sidewalks on the undeveloped portions of the property.

The permit and site plan now go to the City Council for approval

"I think this is going to be an absolutely marvelous edifice to have in Payson," said commission member Ted Fitzgerald.

Among other things, the permit allows a religious building in an agricultural zone and allows the fence around the temple to go higher than 6 feet in sections because of the elevation of the ground.

City Planner Jill Spencer said the temple will not have as many trees in its landscaping as required, but the church is putting in four times the required amount of shrubbery and perennial plants as required.

Spencer said that despite the allowance to go over 6 feet on the fence in some places, the church plans to keep its fence height as close to the ordinance as possible.

Nate Perriton, the LDS Church's project manager for the temple, said the goal is to create a sense of openness around the temple.

Spencer said the church will be putting a decorative steel fence along the east side of the property, on 930 West, and will use decorative concrete for the other parts of the fence where it passes residential areas.

The church broke ground for the temple in October, and plans to begin construction in early 2012.

Twitter: @donaldwmeyers —

What's next?

The Payson City Council will vote on the conditional use permit and site plan for the Payson Temple at 7 p.m. Jan. 4.