This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Welcome to Weekend Rewind, a glance back at The Tribune's best news stories, top photos and opinions you may have missed from Saturday and Sunday.
Top stories this past weekend
Resignations throw Salt Lake City Marathon's future into jeopardy • The future of the popular Salt Lake City Marathon appears to be murky after the recent resignations of its entire organizational staff in Utah amid continuing complaints by vendors who say they're still owed thousands of dollars. •
Bringing back Provo Tabernacle • The LDS Church's plans to convert the Provo Tabernacle – gutted in a devastating fire a year ago today – into a Mormon temple is expected to bring more to the city than spiritual blessings for devout Latter-day Saints. There is hope that the temple will bring people, and their wallets, to downtown businesses and further energize the revitalization of the struggling area. •
Concierge medicine takes wing in Utah • If consumers are disenchanted with modern assembly-line medicine – long waits for hurried visits with harried health professionals – doctors are, too. And a growing number are exploring ways to revive their craft by embracing "concierge" or "boutique" health care. •
After Jon Huntsman was first elected Utah governor, a top aide held court with reporters covering state government and pretty much had one message: the Huntsman kids were off limits. As Huntsman campaigns for president, the candidate's family has been thrust into the spotlight and his three eldest daughters have boosted their dad's bid with kooky web videos and a social media efforts. •
Business PAC to lawmakers: Pony up for education • Utah business leaders concerned that Utahns won't be sufficiently schooled to support tomorrow's economy have formed a political action committee to counter what they say is lawmakers' unwillingness to support education. •
Helping Utah's high school dropouts drop back in • The United States has roughly 35 million high school dropouts, a staggering number that continues to increase each day for any number of reasons. But on the 11th floor of Salt Lake City's Walker Center, employees in an innovative business venture reach out to mentor and educate this fractured population through online learning and the use of technology to keep in touch. •
Other news of interest
Athiest, agnostic group launches holiday-season billboards in Utah •
Sandy charts a 'suburban renaissance' •
Dave Clark to resign from Legislature next week due to fundraising ban •
Teens arrested in Santaquin church arson •
Editor column: Who should be 2011's Utahn of the Year? •
Thieves pocket-dial 911, leading to arrest •
Mother of S. Salt Lake shooting victim files lawsuit •
Police: Utah woman traded cigarettes to kids for Adderall •
Utah volunteers help with national bird count •
A domain with Utah senator's name still for sale •
Sub for Santa volunteer in Nephi does everything but pull the sleigh •
Kragthorpe: Josh Howard's arrival is a healthy sign for the Jazz •
USU falls to Ohio in Famous Idaho Potato Bowl •
Columns and opinions
Out of Iraq: America exits a misbegotten war •
Separation of church and state a pipe dream •
Education boosters: Business owners focus on schools •
Gondola connecting resorts benefit to Utah •
Rolly: GOP ponders presidential popular vote •