This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Outside of the usual chain restaurants and truck stops, all-night cafés can be tough to find in Utah. Residents have yet to fully embrace the concept of eateries that offer grub and atmosphere after the clubs and bars close.
But here are a few late-night options, which range from the culinary ground-breaking to the merely open all night.
1. Eva • This downtown restaurant is known for great small plates and a fine wine list. More importantly, it's open until midnight on weekends. 317 Main St., Salt Lake City; 801-359-8447,
2. Bayleaf Café • On weekends, when you really need refuge and refueling, this solid and soulful fried-chicken-and-pancakes place stays open in the heart of Salt LakeCity's downtown 24 hours, from 11 a.m. Friday until 1 a.m. Sunday.159 S. Main St., Salt Lake City; 801-359-8490.
3. The Bayou • Along with more beer brands than you can shake a church key at, the Bayou's full dining menu is available until 11:30 p.m., and the kitchen remains open until 12:30. The beer continues to flow until 1 a.m. 645 S. State St., Salt Lake City; 801-961-8400.
4. Pie Hole Utah • Serviceable pizza in the vortex of popular bars. Open until 2 a.m. Sunday to Thursday, and 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights. 344 S. State St., Salt Lake City; 801-359-4653.
5. Este Pizza • Superior New York-style pies just a staggering distance from Bar-X and Johnny's on Second, is open until 11 p.m. on club-hopping nights. Monday-Thursday until 10 p.m., and Sunday until 9 p.m. 156 E. 200 South, Salt Lake City; 801-363-2366 (Also, 2021 Windsor St., Salt Lake City; 801-485-3699. Su, 12-9 p.m.; M-W, 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; Th, 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.; F-S, 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m.).
6. The Roll Up • Open to 1 a.m. Monday to Saturday, this shop offers sustenance in an unusual form, crepes — both savory (that means meat) and sweet (like pancakes). Yes, Utah County has late-night hipsters, too. 1605 S. State St., Orem; 801-882-7373.
7. Chow Truck • The grub that road warrior/owner SuAn Chow dispenses from her stainless-steel dreadnought has become legend. And, conveniently, the vehicle is often found late at night near Salt Lake City bars, such as the Twilite Lounge, 347 E. 200 South, and concert venues. You'll have to follow @chowtruck on Twitter or her website to know exactly where the queen of mobile cuisine will be.
8. Alberto's Mexican Food • Cheap and dependable Mexican food and excellent service makes this Salt Lake City landmark a great way to round out your bar hopping. Open to midnight, but take-out window stays open all night. 511 S. 300 West, Salt Lake City; 801-531-0411 (Also at 3090 W. 3500 South, West Valley City and 4935 S. State, Murray).
9. The Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn • Astronomy geeks winding down after an evening of star gazing know this is where to compare notes over breakfast, but the venue works just as well for southern Salt Lake County clubbers. Open 24-7. 7331 S. 900 East, Midvale; 801-566-5731.
10. Squatters, Red Rock, Desert Edge • Brew pubs are probably the best place to end an evening of club crawling, as they offer fantastic beer and food. All are open until 1 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Squatters Pub, 147 W. 300 South, Salt Lake City, 801-363-2739; Red Rock, 254 S. 200 West, Salt Lake City; 801-521-7446; Desert Edge Brewery, 273 Trolley Square, Salt Lake City; 801-521-8917. —
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