This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Is Salt Lake City the gayest city in America?
Yes, according to a highly unscientific and off-the-wall survey by the leading gay magazine The Advocate.
In the survey, writer Matthew Breen measures some unusual factors - such as the number of LGBT bookstores, nude yoga classes and semifinalists in the International Mr. Leather competition. (Salt Lake City has one of each, and we got three points because of performances over the last three years by the bands Gossip, The Cliks and The Veronicas.)
Here's what Breen has to say about Salt Lake City's gay-friendliness:
While those unfamiliar with the Beehive State are likely to conjure images of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, far-less-oppressive-than-it-used-to-be Salt Lake City has earned its queer cred. There are more than a half-dozen hot spots for men and women, including the eco-friendly nightclub Jam, though the sustainable bamboo flooring is perhaps less of a draw than the packed dance floor. The Coffee Garden (878 South 900 East) is a gathering spot for those looking for a caffeine fix, the Sundance Film Festival brings LGBT film buffs to screenings downtown, and lesbian-owned Meditrina is a true wine bar yes, you can get a drink in this town.
The comments following Breen's list are instructive, and seem to be split evenly between those who can't believe Salt Lake City's ranking and locals assuring the rest of the world that, yes, Utah's capital city is a pretty, great (and gay-friendly) place.