This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
In this week's installment of "Three Questions," we visited the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. One trend at CES this year was green power. Companies were presenting solar powered generator technology, energy monitoring devices and all kinds of gadgets to help consumers watch or go off the grid. We asked three companies - including two from Utah - how easy it is to be green at a show like CES.
For Three Questions, social media editors Kim McDaniel and Scott Sherman regularly ask three questions of a newsmaker. Some questions will be serious, some fun and others out of left field. The goal is to look at news from a different angle.If you have suggestions for future "Three Questions" guests or questions you would like asked, leave them in the comments section, email them to, tweet them to @sltrib or contact us on Facebook at