This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Consider summer in full swing. (Yes, we know it's technically still spring, but the weather and our mentalities suggest otherwise.) Anywho, summer events! Whatever you're looking for — music, movies, festivals, hiking — this week has it in spades. Here are some of our favorites:

Iftar meals

If you're Mormon and you've never heard of an iftar before, you might be just the target audience for this event. Sure, you could go just for the food, but the best thing about these meals is the opportunity to share an honest conversation with someone with different cultural and religious experiences.

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Searching for a new fast-paced young adult fantasy to read? Look no further than "The Hundredth Queen," which mixes politics, magic and romance. It's going to be hot, hot, hot this weekend, so if you're a bookworm like us, we suggest pairing Utah author Emily R. King's new book with the shade found under a tree on a grassy knoll.


Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. You can hear that right? That's the sound of people swarming to the annual festival for workshops, beekeeping demos and all the deliciousness that the expert pollinators imbue into the sweet, syrupy staple known as honey.

It's the summer movie everyone is talking about — especially with a 93 percent Rotten Tomatoes rating that almost edges out "The Dark Knight," DC Comics' best reviewed film. Sltrib movie critic Sean P. Means calls it "a blast of fresh air." And with the high temps predicted this weekend, we bet it's just what you'll need to stay cool.


The festival may have kicked off Wednesday, but it has much more to offer over the weekend. Highlights include the opening ceremonies on Friday and the closing parade on Sunday. There's even an opportunity for your pups to show their pride.

The members of Lewis Del Mar have been best friends since they were 9 years old, so they've got some innate chemistry when it comes to creating music together. Although they've hit SLC before, the duo says they've finally found their sound — so don't expect the same show if you've seen them before.


Semper Fries! It's not a misspelling ... we really do mean Semper Fries — as in the "off-the-chart" french fries offered by the military-themed food truck. With burgers like the Zero Dark Thirty, Hell Fire and Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot, the menu offers not only fun but seriously good flavors.


This one is for the explorers out there. You don't have to drive to Southern California to appreciate these Dr. Seuss-like trees or the natural beauties surrounding them. In fact, you can find them right here in southwestern Utah, where a variety of ecosystems meet in the little-known botanical gem.

This is a movie for the inner 8-year-old in all of us. Or maybe just for 8-year-olds. Either way, it's a fun, family-friendly movie sure to brighten up your day — even with all the potty humor.

With their new album out Friday, you might not have time to learn all the lyrics to the metalcore band's new songs before their concert next week. Yes, their sound has changed a bit, but there still will be plenty of sing-along moments.