This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

BYU's motto is "The glory of God is intelligence," but there's nothing resembling intelligence involved in what happened to a Cougar student on Valentine's Day.

Brittany Molina was minding her own business on the Provo campus when a young man came up and handed her a piece of paper.

"I thought he was giving me a love note," she wrote on Twitter - @BrittanyJMo. "Turns out..."

And she shared a photo of the most remarkable missive, which read:

"You may want to consider that what you're wearing has a negative effect on men (and women) around you. Many people come to this university because they feel safe, morally as well as physically, here. They expect others to abide by the Honor Code that we all agreed on. Please consider your commitment to the Honor Code (which you agreed to) when dressing each day. Thank you."

Molina shared a picture of her outfit via Twitter - and it would be considered modest by any standards short of a burqa."Gosh dang it," Molina wrote on Twitter. " I'll remember to dress in jeans, a sweatshirt and tennis shoes tomorrow. That way I don't make people feel uncomfortable."

And the courageous young man who wrote the note "was gone within .5 seconds of handing me that note," she added.

BYU doesn't even have to do anything to make itself the object of ridicule. The occasional student will do it all by himself.

Reactions on Twitter include:This is silly. Oh BYU @danistratford

This note has the childish handwriting of a freshly ordained deacon. @ianlons

It looks like a love note via repressed sexual tension. I'd take it as a compliment. @pattydtweets

Saw this on FB wcaption "The spirit of passive aggression like a fire is burning at BYU. @theladyofathens

you look within the standard, that kid is just messed up. @itdnext

"holy crap. Get that porn off my screen!" Dumb BYU guy. I'm embarrassed for my own kind. @bhein3

I'm thinking of writing a letter to the Daily Universe feigning outrage over this whole situation. @TySpace

A little too much neck. @matthew_piper

if she wasn't pretty he wouldn't have noticed. @lilyofspades

Perhaps the flowers on your dress were too exotic. @ben25unc

hilarious! Obviously, he meant he thinks your a hottie, and if you want to break the honor code he is willing to make out. @Scottwadey

whaaaat! You have got to be kidding me. That dude is going to live a very sad life. You shouldn't have to put up with that crap @N8Ogden

Haha this is unreal...I loved BYU. But...let's me honest, this is so dumb ha. And that's why people make fun of us @camstevensBYUExactly.

— Scott D. Pierce