This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir needs a guest conductor for an upcoming rehearsal, but not just any guest conductor.

If you like Beethoven, and are also relatively tech-savvy, you're in luck. Just visit the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Facebook page, click and download a clip of its performance of "Ode to Joy" from the composer's Ninth Symphony, then record video of yourself conducting the choir lasting at least 30 seconds but no more than one minute. Post your entry on YouTube according to contest entry guidelines, then enlist your friends and family members for online views and votes.

Ten finalists will be chosen based on web votes, after which a committee of choir members will select the winner. The entry deadline is before midnight May 25, with the winner announced on or about June 1, said Mike Jensen, communications director for Deseret Book.

"We're looking for everyone, and all comers. We're not looking for the next Mormon Tabernacle Choir conductor, but we are looking for someone who's creative in their video presentation and has a passion for music," Jensen said.

Deseret Book, the publishing arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is charged with marketing the choir.

Jensen said the contest idea arose recently, while marketers were looking for new ways to share the choir and its music with the public. The contest selection of "Ode to Joy," known for its powerful crescendo, was taken from the choir's new album "Glory!"

Choir members greeted the idea with enthusiasm, according Scott Barrick, general manager of the choir.

"This is a first for us and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a fan," Barrick said in a press release. "The choir's following is hugely loyal and we wanted to create an experience that would be fun and powerful. Standing in front of 360 voices, with a conductor's baton in hand, will certainly be a moment not to be forgotten."

Jensen said Deseret Book anticipates more marketing strategies tied to audience and public participation.

"Any way we can help customers experience the brand is something we're going to look at," he said. "It's a great way to participate in choir, but also generate interest from family and friends as well."

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'Conduct the Choir' contest

Visit the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's Facebook page at and click on "Choir Contest!" icon to enter this video contest. Entry deadline is May 25, 11:59 p.m. MDT, with the winner announced on or about June 1.