This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Kathy Merrill doesn't consider herself a runner. The Layton resident has never stomped over a distance longer than a 5K in her life.

But her daughter's persistent overtures, combined with a clever marketing tagline, motivated Merrill to sign up for Saturday's Devil Dash at Ogden's Golden Spike Event Center.

"My daughter [Jill] sent me the link for this race, and I thought it would be fun," Merrill said. "They promote it as 'Mud, Blood, Beer and Cheer.' I mean, how can you turn that down?"

The Devil Dash is a 5K mud run course organizers have labeled as "Purgatory." The course presents obstacles themed after the seven deadly sins. Participants will crawl through mud pits, run through a river, climb cargo nets and more at the all-day event.

Merrill said she hasn't trained for the run, in which she will participate with her daughter and son-in-law — "because how do you train for something like this?"

If all goes well Saturday, Merrill may sign up for another mud run in the future. One thing she is certain of is that she will stick to the short distances.

"Longer runs, absolutely not," Merrill said. "I am not a true runner at heart."

Merrill is in the target demographic for organizers of the increasingly popular mud runs. While pounding pavement for three miles may scare people away, getting dirty and having fun with friends throughout the course is much more appealing.

This weekend alone, there are three such events, including the Foam Fest 5K at Ogden's Fort Buenaventura Park and the Tribal Run at Miller Motorsporks Park on Friday.

June saw racers compete in the Spartan Beast and Dirty Dash events at Soldier Hollow. Another Dirty Dash is scheduled for September.

The Devil Dash has two attractions — a beer garden and music festival — that do not require an entry fee and can be used by supporters of the participants and the general public. —

Ogden's Devil Dash

A 5K mud run with obstacles

At the Golden Spike Event Center

Starts 9 a.m. Aug. 4, waves start every 30 minutes

Can register until Aug. 3 at 8 p.m., with $65 registration fee