This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Directions • Settlement Canyon is located just south of Tooele and crisscrossed with trails, much of which have welcome shade for a summer hike. From State Road 36, turn at Settlement Canyon road near Camp Wapiti. Entry fee is $2 at entry point just past Settlement Canyon Reservoir.

After entering, park and walk to the Left Hand Fork Trail, which is marked with a sign off Settlement Canyon Road. About a half-mile in, after the path widens, take right turn at the sign for Ridge Trail/Crossing Hollow. A rocky, uphill climb opens to a golden plateau. Keep going into a shady canyon, where a raptor made an appearance on a recent visit, then turn around and loop back down to the Ridge Trail entrance and back to Settlement Canyon Road. Settlement Canyon - Left Hand Fork/Ridge Trail

Hiking time • 1 hours

Round trip miles • 3 miles

Elevation gain • 560 feet

Difficulty • Moderate

Trail head restrooms • Located nearby

Dogs allowed • Yes, preferably leashed

Bikes allowed • Yes