This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The National Republican Congressional Committee launched its air assault against Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, on Friday using two-year-old footage from a state Democratic Convention where the congressman noted his support for the economic stimulus bill.The 30-second spot hits Utah stations today and runs through the week, costing $250,000. It is part of an early wave of ads that will only increase in intensity as Election Day approaches. So far, the American Chemistry Council has ran an ad touting Matheson as a politician serious about job growth and his Republican challenger Mia Love has produced a spot highlighting her experience as mayor of Saratoga Springs.Get ready, more are coming and more, like this NRCC ad, are likely to be negative in tone. Matt CanhamTwitter: @mattcanham