This is an archived article that was published on in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Dante Exum led the Utah Jazz in scoring with 16 points and made the final shot with a driving floater in the lane as the Jazz beat the Boston Celtics 68-65 on Thursday night in the last game of the Utah Jazz Summer League.

The Jazz won all three of their Utah Summer League games and will head to the Las Vegas Summer League, where their first game will be Saturday.

While Exum scored the most points for Utah, 13th overall draft pick Donovan Mitchell wowed the crowd with strong defense against third overall pick Jayson Tatum. Mitchell's performance included six points and four steals.

Tatum finished with 12 points and 12 rebounds.

Boston's Abdel Nader had a game-high 17 points.