This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Directions • From Heber, drive 9 miles southeast on U.S. Highway 40. Clegg Canyon is on the east side of the road. You cannot see signage from the highway, but the canyon sits immediately between two other marked canyons: Dry Canyon to the north and Center Canyon to the south. When you pull into the dirt parking area, walk a few feet up the trail and look for a sign verifying you are in Clegg Canyon.
Special for fall, this is a reprint of a Hike of the Week from 2010. The trail through Clegg Canyon is lined with color-changing aspen. There is significant elevation change, but it is gradual. At 0.9 miles, the trail arrives at a meadow where cattle graze. Follow the marker for trail 079 to continue northeast back into the narrow canyon. The trail will cross a stream numerous times. Be prepared to get your feet wet. At 3.7 miles, there is a second meadow. Another marker for trail 079 is on your left and takes you to the northwest and into a sparser forest of aspens. The trail ends at Forest Service Road 094. From there you will have a good view of distant mountains, including Bald Knoll. Forest Service Road 094
Hiking time • 5 hours
Round trip miles • 8.5 miles
Elevation gain • 3,218 feet feet
Difficulty • Moderate
Trail head restrooms • No
Dogs allowed • Yes
Bikes allowed • NA