This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Michael Williams, a 6-foot-2 point guard out of Texas, has finished his official visit with the Utes and is expected to choose a school at some point next week, The Salt Lake Tribune has learned.
According to sources, Williams' final three includes Utah, Texas Christian University and the University of Pennsylvania.
The Utes covet Williams, a big point guard who is good on the pick-and-roll and can get to the rim off the dribble, as well as shoot.
His size makes him even more valuable. The two true point guards on the roster, Glen Dean and Brandon Taylor, are both under six feet tall and head coach Larry Krystkowiak would like to add some size to the backcourt in the coming recruiting classes.
Practice officially starts on Friday. The Utes look to be a better team than last year's 6-25 outfit, with added size and athleticism.
Tony Jones