This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The Metropolitan Opera's Live in HD 2012-2013 season kicks off this Saturday, October 13 through NCM Fathom Events (
There is new student pricing being introduced for the cinema opera series this year. For Utah-area students who may have never experienced opera before, this is an opportunity to sample the art form in the comfort of a local movie theater. You can even wear shorts and snack on hot dogs.Special student ticket prices range from $11.50 - $20 (almost half of the regular ticket price and a fraction of the $360 cost to see the Met live in New York). Here's a listing of the movie theaters in the Salt Lake City area that are showing these live operas and offering student pricing:
Cinemark- University MallCinemark - BountifulCinemark - Draper and XDCinemark - FarmingtonCinemark - TinseltownTinseltown - NewgateCinemark 16 ProvoCinemark 24 W. JordanCinemark -Holiday Village 4Cinemark - Salt Lake City 16Cinemark - Union Heights 16Since student pricing varies among participating theaters, readers can find location pricing information at<