This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Granger High art students unveiled their "Sacred Images" mural on Tuesday at the Granite Education Foundation Office. The mural was created as part of a five-week long residency program from the Center of Documentary Expression and Art.
The Native-American focused program began with art historian David Sucec introducing students to the four styles of Utah rock art through a school-based exhibit and a guided field trip to a local rock art site.
Then Dovie Thomason, Kiowa-Apache storyteller, performed traditional and contemporary stories that relate to rock art, demonstrating indigenous
viewpoints and revealing the ancient art of storytelling.
Finally, mural artist Lee Madrid guided students in creating the mural that draws on their responses to the exhibit, the field trip, the storytelling, and their personal lives.
The presentation of the mural coincided with November's Native American Heritage Month.
Read a recent Salt Lake Tribune feature about the art immersion project.