This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I've become a fan of Scandal (9 p.m., ABC/Ch. 4).
Oh, it's still a pretty awful show. Laughably ludicrous.
And it remains absolutely true that this show is "'The West Wing" populated by characters out of 'Gossip Girl,'" as my TV critic pal Rob Owen wrote in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
But "Scandal" - complete with its silly attempted presidential assassination - is big, dumb fun. Sort of like "Dynasty" or "Melrose Place" when they were over-the-top and totally trashy.
Some shows are so bad they're good. "Scandal" is one of them.
Elsewhere on TV ....
NFL (6 p.m., NFL Network): Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders
The Big Bang Theory (7 p.m., CBS/Ch. 2): Sheldon takes care of Amy when she gets sick.
Last Resort (7 p.m., ABC/Ch. 4): The reason for the attack on Pakistan is revealed.
30 Rock (7 p.m., NBC/Ch. 5): Jenna is driving Liz completely crazy.
Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir (7 p.m. Ch. 7): Nathan Gunn and Jane Seymour join the choir and the Orchestra at Temple Square.
The X Factor (7 p.m., Fox/Ch. 13): Contestants are eliminated.
The Vampire Diaries (7 p.m., CW/Ch. 30): Stefan and Damon have suspicions about Elena.
Two and a Half Men (7:30 p.m., CBS/Ch. 2): Walden assumes a new identity to avoid women who are just after his money.
Up All Night (7:30 p.m., NBC/Ch. 5): Ava decides she can still make a difference even without her show.
Person of Interest (8 p.m., CBS/Ch. 2): An NYC cab driver is the latest POI.
Grey's Anatomy (8 p.m., ABC/Ch. 4): Meredith asks Heather to help fix Derek's hand.
The Office (8 p.m., NBC/Ch. 5): Dwight takes over planning the Christmas party.
Glee (8 p.m., Fox/Ch. 13): Kurt gets an audition.
Beauty and the Beast (8 p.m., CW/Ch. 30): Somebody tries to murder a teenage pop star.
Parks and Recreation (8:30 p.m., NBC/Ch. 5): Tammy II makes an unexpected appearance.
The Piano Guys: Live at Red Butte Garden (8:30 p.m., Ch. 7): Highly entertaining performance.
Elementary (9 p.m., CBS/Ch. 2): Sherlock investigates the brutal murder of a college professor.
Rock Center with Brian Williams (9 p.m., NBC/Ch. 5): Apple CEO Jim Cook is interviewed.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (11 p.m., FX): The gang becomes obsessed with video games.
Burn Notice (11 p.m., USA): Michael sells technology to a thief.