This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
As Utah lawmakers gather to tackle the issues of the day, have you ever wondered how to make your voice heard? Is there an important issue that you want to follow through the legislative process? This page is intended as a starting point to help you find your way. The 2013 Legislature again is dominated by Republicans, who control both legislative bodies by more than two-thirds majorities. Here is a look at leadership, the House and Senate rank-and-file and information about how to contact your district's representatives. During the session, you can follow the legislative proceedings by picking up The Salt Lake Tribune and turning to the newspaper's Legislature page. Readers also can follow the session online by going to and clicking on the day's Legislature news or going to the political blog Out of Context at For questions or comments and to offer news tips, call The Tribune at 801-257-8742 or e-mail To contact lawmakers, call 801-538-1035 (for the Senate) or 801-538-1029 (for the House).