This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Introducing The Tribune's new polygamy bloggers: Reporter Jim Dalrymple II and photographer Trent Nelson.
They'll be reporting on and photographing polygamy in Utah from the FLDS in Hildale and the Brown family of "Sister Wives" as they challenge the bigamy statute in federal court, to the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of polygamous families that live throughout Utah with their own stories to tell.
They'll also give a voice to polygamy opponents and people who say they were victimized through polygamy or by leaders of polygamous communities.
Here are a few words from Dalrymple and Nelson:
Sometime in late 2012 I was sitting in a job interview at The Tribune when some asked "What would you think about covering polygamy?"
That sounded like a cool idea, so, having no idea what I was saying or getting myself into, I cheerily replied that I'd really enjoy it.
Now, about two months later, I've joined The Tribune staff and have taken over the polygamy blog from Lindsay Whitehurst, who was promoted to a position covering higher education. I'm still not sure what I got myself into and consequently would love any hints, tips, leads or whatever else you might want to send my way.
Nelson and my editor, Nate Carlisle, will be regular contributors here and, realistically, fonts of knowledge for me as I learn the ins and outs of this beat.
So feel free to drop any of us a line or follow me on Twitter: @jimmycdii.
Jim Dalrymple II
Jim says he's not sure what he got himself into, and that's about right for anyone coming into the world of polygamy. Even when you think you've got it figured out, there are always unexpected twists and turns as the stories unfold.
I've been a part of our coverage for eight years, photographing in Utah, Arizona, Texas and British Columbia. The most memorable assignment was in 2008 when I went to Eldorado, Texas, the night we learned of the law enforcement raid upon the Yearning For Zion Ranch.
Polygamy is the hardest topic I've covered, but also the most rewarding. I'm excited to see what happens next.
Stay in touch with me on Twitter: @trenthead
Trent Nelson