This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Chaffetz jokes about Romney, GOP. Fox News least and most trusted. New bill targets feds for confiscating guns.
Happy Thursday. Rep. Jason Chaffetz earned rave reviews for his speech last night at the Washington Press Club Foundation annual dinner, even though some of his jokes had folks half-groaning, half-laughing. A sample:
-> "President Obama and Gov. Romney did spend one night together playing their favorite game: monopoly. Things started off a little awkward when it came to picking their playing pieces. President Obama chose the battleship. Mitt picked the car and then put the dog on top of the car."
-> "I had a hunch the president would not be here tonight - didn't want to interrupt Wednesday night skeet shooting." See more here [Trib].
Topping the news: A new poll shows that Fox News is both the least trusted news network and the most trusted news network. Some 41 percent of Americans say they trust Fox while 46 percent do not, but those numbers on either side are stronger than the other major broadcast networks. [HuffPost]
-> Despite a lengthy legal note that's almost as long as the bill itself, freshman Rep. Brian Greene unveiled legislation Wednesday that would allow state cops to arrest federal agents who try to seize guns from Utahns. [Trib] [UtahPolicy]
-> Gov. Gary Herbert's aides say the public must help in the fight to tamp down pollution as citizens hold a sit in to protest the smog. [Trib] The five cities in America with the worst air pollution this week were all in Utah. [SLMag]
Tweet of the day: From @EmilyNicoline: "Utah senators are allowed to clown around every once in awhile :) That's what makes them human, it's not even floor time yet!"
From @RobertGerhke: "Sign in the House Speaker's office: 'Never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group.'"
Happy birthday: To former state Rep. Bradley Daw.
In other news: Iron County says it can manage the prairie dog population better than the feds and is petitioning the government to allow it. [Trib]
-> Herbert says he wants all 22,000 state employees to shop for their health insurance using the state's exchange, Avenue H. [Trib]
-> Newly minted Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams expanded his administration, bringing in four new upper-level workers. [Trib]
From the Hill: Here's your daily legislative schedule. [Trib]
-> A bill that would require school districts to provide seminars to parents on suicide, drugs and bullying is advancing in the House. [Trib]
-> Some zones of I-15 and I-84 in remote areas may see speed limit increases up to 80 mph, thanks to a new bill that sped through the House. [Trib] [DNews] [Herald]
-> A bill that would make not wearing your seatbelt a primary offense passed through a Senate hearing despite an attack from a West Valley City Republican who said it infringes on personal liberty. [Trib] [Herald]
-> A new measure would allow those in dating relationships to obtain a protective order; current law only allows those type of orders for spouses or those cohabiting. [Trib]
-> House Majority Whip Greg Hughes is looking to at least put a damper on a dirty campaign trick called push-polling by requiring pollsters to identify the source of their funding. [Trib] [Herald]
-> A Senate committee advanced a bill that would remove a cap on out-of-state tuition waivers at public universities, allowing schools to bolster enrollment numbers. [Chrony]
-> A bill that would allow inmates to donate organs will be heard in the Senate. [DNews]
-> Despite city-wide bans on some legal fireworks because of wildfire worries, the House moved to make such bans illegal, although it includes a provision for allowing bans in high-risk areas. [Trib]
-> Citizens would be allowed to collect their rainwater that falls on their property without consulting the state engineer, thanks to a new bill. [Trib]
-> Utahns will still be setting and resetting their clocks each year for Daylight Saving Time, with a Senate committee adjourning before a bill abolishing the change could be discussed. [Trib]
-> Spitting or vomiting on a cop could carry legal consequences, thanks to two new bills. [Trib]
-> A new bill would allow for keeping closer tabs on licensed professionals' legal status.[Trib]
Nationally: President Barack Obama tapped REI's Sally Jewell to lead the Department of the Interior. Jewell, a former oil executive and banker, is expected to face tough questioning from Senate Republicans on the issue of resource development on public lands, and from environmentalists on conservation issues. [NYTimes] [WaPost] [Politico]
-> Utahns had mixed reactions about Jewell's nomination, with Rep. Rob Bishop chastising the executive for what he sees as extremist political activities. [Trib]
-> Pat Bagley offers his take on Bishop's concern over the Interior nominee. [Trib
-> House Republicans say that while they'll stop short of offering amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country, they aren't opposed to some form of legal residency. [NYTimes] [Politico]
-> House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has a few solutions for making life easier for the middle class, including giving more scheduling flexibility to hourly workers and making schools more accountable to parents. The move even got a nod from Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat. [WaPost] [Politico]
-> Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe announced that the Postal Service will stop delivering letters on Saturdays starting in August, although they will continue to deliver packages six days a week. The move will save about $2 billion a year. [APviaTrib][WaPost] [NYTimes]
Where are they?
Rep. Jason Chaffetz hits a town hall meeting in Heber City.
Gov. Gary Herbert meets with the Boys and Girls Club, heads to a GOP joint leadership meeting, meets with the Veterans Advisory Council and tribal leaders, has media interviews and then meets with the Intermountain Power Agency and Rep. LaVar Christensen.
AG John Swallow meets with office attorneys and sits down with his transition team at the Leonardo.
SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams is in Washington for a leadership seminar.
SLC Mayor Ralph Becker has breakfast with community council chairs, hits a Jordan River trail meeting, meets with the Salt Lake County Council of Governments and later attends an exhibit opening at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts.
WVC Mayor Mike Winder has a planning meeting at UTA and meets with the Salt Lake County Council of Governments.
President Barack Obama hits the National Prayer Breakfast and then heads to Leesburg, Va. for the House Democratic Issues Conference.
Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]
Thomas Burr and Emily and