This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

According to The Eldorado Success, while Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints leader Warren Jeffs dines on burrito casserole with salsa and punch in a Texas prison cell, he's insisting that FLDS children live on a diet with only two ingredients: beans and water.

K. Dee Ignatin, an anti-polygamy activist, tells The Success that no other foods are allowed for the children of the polygamous sect. The Success connects this information to Ruby Jessop, a mother of six who left the group earlier this year. In a show of concern, Ignatin is putting herself on a bean fast and documenting it on YouTube. (See video above.) She is encouraging others to join her in drawing attention to the alleged plight of FLDS children by eating at least one meal a day that is just beans and water.

Ignatin is no stranger to the FLDS. You might remember her 2009 attempt to access a set of graves on the YFZ Ranch in accordance with Texas law, which says that all cemeteries shall be open to the public.

Some quick research on the beans-only diet comes up with this tidbit Fox News. Apparently, a guy hit 420 pounds by stuffing himself with eight pints of beer daily along with bacon, eggs, toast, sausage and more. He switched his daily diet to just six cans of beans per day and just 1,500 cans later his weight was down to 280.

All humor aside, there are a lot of vitamins and minerals that a diet of only beans will not provide. Be careful out there.

— Trent Nelson

Twitter: @TrentHead