This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Tooele police busted a husband and wife duo Monday after they allegedly robbed a bank and brought their two small children along in the getaway car.
According to an arrest report, police captured the couple , both 27, at a traffic stop soon after they robbed a Wells Fargo branch located at 204 N. Main St. When officers approached the couple's car, the report adds, they discovered two children, ages 5 and 2, sitting on the back seat.
During questioning, the couple reportedly said they planned and committed the robbery because they faced eviction, had mounting medical bills and had fallen into debt.
Police solved the crime with a little bit of serendipity. Monday morning, an off duty police officer was eating lunch across the street from the bank in a Gold's Gym parking lot when he saw a suspicious blue car, the report states. The officer then watched as a woman got out of the car, entered the bank and later ran out.
According to bank employees, the woman seen by the officer entered the bank then handed a teller a note demanding cash.
"No silent alarms, Be Quiet! Loose Bills," the note reportedly stated. "Hurry. Sorry... I don't want anyone to get hurt."
The teller reportedly turned over $956 and the woman fled back to her car, which witnesses later said a man was driving.
When the car pulled away from the bank, the off-duty officer followed and eventually pulled it over.
However, before the officer had a chance to talk to the occupants of the car he heard over the radio that a bank robbery had just happened at the Wells Fargo. He called for backup and the couple was arrested. A search of the vehicle later produced the note used during the robbery, $836 in cash and clothing matching witnesses' description of the suspects, the arrest report says.
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