This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
The editorial "Obstructionists: Hatch and Lee stand in the way" (Our View, March 22) is woefully inaccurate. It falsely says I want immigration reform efforts to come to a "halt," which couldn't be further from the truth.
What I want is for immigration reform to go through the normal legislative process hearings, amendments, debate, etc. This isn't calling for a "roadblock" or even a "delay."
I've called for regular order for tax reform, too. Can The Tribune say with a straight face that I haven't been pushing for tax reform?
I've worked on immigration reform for many years with Democratic and Republican presidents. Several of my bills have become law. I recently introduced the Immigration Innovation Act of 2013 that could become a part of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.
Several of my colleagues are working hard on a bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform proposal, and I respect their efforts. But their proposal isn't legislation yet it's bullet points and themes.
Immigration reform is complicated. If wanting it to receive the attention and debate it deserves makes me a "dead-ender" in The Tribune's eyes, that really says more about The Tribune's endorsement of a dysfunctional Senate than about my desire to pass immigration reform.
Sen. Orrin G. Hatch
Washington, D.C.