This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Three of Salt Lake City's most popular radio personalities went silent today – and it doesn't appear to be an April Fool's Day joke.
Kerry Jackson, Bill Allred and Gina Barberi were not on the air this morning on X96's "Radio From Hell" show – except in recycled segments from past shows – as the trio's contract with the station expired Sunday night.
This morning, none of the three had updated their Twitter feeds since Friday (except for a few retweets on Jackson's feed), and there was only a cryptic Tweet from their producer, Richie T. Steadman: "So..there should be a show today. Will call Kerry Bill and Gina later to find out what is going on."
Later in the morning, Steadman did post this comment: "I love contract negotiations."
Meanwhile, "Radio From Hell's" audience reacted on Twitter, using the hashtag #WhereIsKBG.